#!/usr/bin/perl # Converts PostgreSql copy dump to format suitable for Oracle loader # (c) 2008 Alejandro Imass, (c) 2008 Corcaribe TecnologÃa C.A. # Free to use under the terms of Perl itself use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Time::HiRes; my $VERSION = 0.1; my $if = undef; my $of = undef; my $qc = '"'; #oracle loader default is " my $sc = ';'; my $perr_str = 'Wrong params, see doc. Tip: Specify at least -if (pg file) and -of (ora loader file)'; GetOptions( 'if=s' => \$if, 'of=s' => \$of, 'qc=s' => \$qc, 'sc=s' => \$sc, ) || die $perr_str; die $perr_str unless defined $if and defined $of; open(IF, "<", $if) or die "Can't open file $if for reading: $!"; open(OF, ">", $of) or die "Can't open file $of for writing: $!";; my $start = Time::HiRes::time; my $count = 1; $SIG{INT} = \&done; # skip pg header stuff while(<IF>){ last if $_ =~ m/^COPY.*$/; } # now do the real thing while(<IF>){ chomp $_; my @cols = split /\t/,$_; my @qcols = ( ); # quote strings foreach my $c (@cols){ push @qcols, $c =~ m/^(\d+|\d+\.\d+)$/ ? $c : $qc.$c.$qc; } print OF join($sc,@qcols)."\n" or die "Could not write to OF: $!"; last if $_ =~ m/^\\\.$/; $count++; } &done(); exit; sub done { close IF; close OF; my $end = Time::HiRes::time; my $time = $end - $start; my $avg = $time/$count; print "Done. Processed $count lines\n"; printf "Start:%s End:%s Time:%s Avg:%s\n",$start,$end,$time,$avg; } __END__ =head1 NAME pgcopy2oraloader.pl - PostgreSql COPY format to CSV for Oracle Loader =head1 SYNOPSIS ./pgcopy2oraloader.pl -if Infile.sql -of Outfile.csv =head1 DESCRIPTION This program will read a standard PostgreSql sql dump in copy format and tranlate it into a simple delimited file. It work by opening the Pg file for reading and opening the Outfile for writing. It will skip all the Pg blurb until the COPY line. Then it will read each line, quote it appropiately and write the line to the Outfile. The Pg file COPY command MUST BE tab-separated values (default). But the Outfile field separation character, as well as the quoting character is configurable. The default field separation character is the semi-colon B<;> and the default quoting character is the double quote B<">. =head1 PARAMETERS This program will take these parameters from the command line. Only the infile and outfile parameters are mandatory: =head2 -if - Required Full path to the Pg input file. =head2 -of - required Full path to the output file. =head2 -qc - Optional Quoting character. Defaults to double quote B<">. =head2 -qc - Optional Quoting character. Defaults to semi-colon B<;>. =head1 AUTHOR Alejandro Imass <ait@p2ee.org> Alejandro Imass <aimass@corcaribe.com> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008 by Alejandro Imass / Corcaribe TecnologÃa C.A. for the P2EE Project This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES Database/Conversion Format/Conversion Conversion/Database =pod PREREQUISITES C<Getopt::Long> C<Time::HiRes> =cut