[](https://github.com/darviarush/perl-aion-fs/actions) # NAME Aion::Fs - utilities for filesystem: read, write, find, replace files, etc # VERSION 0.0.1 # SYNOPSIS ```perl use Aion::Fs; lay mkpath "hello/world.txt", "hi!"; lay mkpath "hello/moon.txt", "noreplace"; lay mkpath "hello/big/world.txt", "hellow!"; lay mkpath "hello/small/world.txt", "noenter"; mtime "hello" # ~> ^\d+$ [map cat, grep -f, find ["hello/big", "hello/small"]] # --> [qw/ hellow! noenter /] my @noreplaced = replace { s/h/$a $b H/ } find "hello", "-f", "*.txt", qr/\.txt$/, sub { /\.txt$/ }, noenter "*small*", errorenter { die "find $_: $!" }; \@noreplaced # --> ["hello/moon.txt"] cat "hello/world.txt" # => hello/world.txt :utf8 Hi! cat "hello/moon.txt" # => noreplace cat "hello/big/world.txt" # => hello/big/world.txt :utf8 Hellow! cat "hello/small/world.txt" # => noenter [find "hello", "*.txt"] # --> [qw! hello/moon.txt hello/world.txt hello/big/world.txt hello/small/world.txt !] [find "hello", "-d"] # --> [qw! hello hello/big hello/small !] erase reverse find "hello"; -e "hello" # -> undef ``` # DESCRIPTION This module provide light entering to filesystem. Modules File::Path, File::Slurper and File::Find are quite weighted with various features that are rarely used, but take time to get acquainted and, thereby, increases the entry threshold. In Aion::Fs used the programming principle KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid. # SUBROUTINES/METHODS ## cat ($file) Read file. If file not specified, then use `$_`. ```perl cat "/etc/passwd" # ~> root ``` `cat` read with layer `:utf8`. But you can set the level like this: ```perl lay "unicode.txt", "↯"; length cat "unicode.txt" # -> 1 length cat["unicode.txt", ":raw"] # -> 3 ``` `cat` raise exception by error on io operation: ```perl eval { cat "A" }; $@ # ~> cat A: No such file or directory ``` ## lay ($file, $content) Write `$content` in `$file`. * If one parameter specified, then use `$_` as `$file`. * `lay` using layer `:utf8`. For set layer using two elements array for `$file`: ```perl lay "unicode.txt", "↯" # => unicode.txt lay ["unicode.txt", ":raw"], "↯" # => unicode.txt eval { lay "/", "↯" }; $@ # ~> lay /: Is a directory ``` ## find ($path, @filters) Finded files and returns array paths from start path or paths if `$path` is array ref. Filters may be: * Subroutine - the each path fits to `$_` and test with subroutine. * Regexp - test the each path on the regexp. * String as "-Xxx", where `Xxx` - one or more symbols. Test on the perl file testers. Example "-fr" test the path on `-f` and `-r` file testers. * Any string interpret function `wildcard` to regexp and the each path test on it. The paths that have not passed testing by `@filters` are not returned. If filter -X is unused, then throw exception: ```perl eval { find "example", "-h" }; $@ # ~> Undefined subroutine &Aion::Fs::h called ``` If `find` is impossible to enter the subdirectory, then call errorenter with set variable `$_` and `$!`. ```perl mkpath ["example/", 0]; [find "example"] # --> ["example"] [find "example", noenter "-d"] # --> ["example"] eval { find "example", errorenter { die "find $_: $!" } }; $@ # ~> find example: Permission denied ``` ## noenter (@filters) No enter to catalogs. Using in `find`. `@filters` same as in `find`. ## errorenter (&block) Call `&block` for each error on open catalog. ## erase (@paths) Remove files and empty catalogs. Returns the `@paths`. ```perl eval { erase "/" }; $@ # ~> erase dir /: Device or resource busy eval { erase "/dev/null" }; $@ # ~> erase file /dev/null: Permission denied ``` ## mkpath ($path) As **mkdir -p**, but consider last path-part (after last slash) as filename, and not create this catalog. * If `$path` not specified, then use `PATH`. * If `$path` is array ref, then use path as first and permission as second element. * Default permission is `0755`. * Returns `$path`. ```perl local $_ = ["A", 0755]; mkpath # => A eval { mkpath "/A/" }; $@ # ~> mkpath : No such file or directory ``` ## mtime ($file) Time modification the `$file` in unixtime. Raise exeception if file not exists, or not permissions: ```perl local $_ = "nofile"; eval { mtime }; $@ # ~> mtime nofile: No such file or directory mtime ["/"] # ~> ^\d+$ ``` ## replace (&sub, @files) Replacing each the file if `&sub` replace `$_`. Returns files in which there were no replacements. `@files` can contain arrays of two elements. The first one is treated as a path, and the second one is treated as a layer. Default layer is `:utf8`. ```perl local $_ = "replace.ex"; lay "abc"; replace { $b = ":utf8"; y/a/¡/ } [$_, ":raw"]; cat # => ¡bc ``` ## include ($pkg) Require `$pkg` and returns it. File lib/A.pm: ```perl package A; sub new { bless {@_}, shift } 1; ``` File lib/N.pm: ```perl package N; sub ex { 123 } 1; ``` ```perl use lib "lib"; include("A")->new # ~> A=HASH\(0x\w+\) [map include, qw/A N/] # --> [qw/A N/] { local $_="N"; include->ex } # -> 123 ``` ## catonce ($file) Read the file in first call with this file. Any call with this file return `undef`. Using for insert js and css modules in the resulting file. ```perl local $_ = "catonce.txt"; lay "result"; catonce # -> "result" catonce # -> undef eval { catonce[] }; $@ # ~> catonce not use ref path! ``` ## wildcard ($wildcard) Translate the wildcard to regexp. * `**` - `[^/]*` * `*` - `.*` * `?` - `.` * `??` - `[^/]` * `{` - `(` * `}` - `)` * `,` - `|` * Any symbols translate by `quotemeta`. ```perl wildcard "*.{pm,pl}" # \> (?^us:^.*?\.(pm|pl)$) wildcard "?_??_**" # \> (?^us:^._[^/]_[^/]*?$) ``` Using in filters the function `find`. ## goto_editor ($path, $line) Open the file in editor from config on the line. File .config.pm: ```perl package config; config_module 'Aion::Fs' => { EDITOR => 'echo %p:%l > ed.txt', }; 1; ``` ```perl goto_editor "mypath", 10; cat "ed.txt" # => mypath:10\n eval { goto_editor "`", 1 }; $@ # ~> `:1 --> 512 ``` Default the editor is `vscodium`. # AUTHOR Yaroslav O. Kosmina [dart@cpan.org](dart@cpan.org) # LICENSE ⚖ **GPLv3** # COPYRIGHT The Aion::Fs is copyright © 2023 by Yaroslav O. Kosmina. Rusland. All rights reserved.