--- #YAML:1.0 name: Acme-Tools version: 0.13 abstract: Lots of more or less useful subs lumped together and exported into your namespace author: - Kjetil Skotheim <kjetilskotheim@gmail.com> license: unknown distribution_type: module configure_requires: ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0 build_requires: ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0 requires: Carp: 0.01 Compress::Zlib: 0.01 MIME::Base64: 0.01 Time::HiRes: 0.01 no_index: directory: - t - inc generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.56 meta-spec: url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html version: 1.4