# NAME GitDDL::Migrator - database migration utility for git managed SQL extended [GitDDL](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?GitDDL) # SYNOPSIS use GitDDL::Migrator; my $gd = GitDDL::Migrator->new( work_tree => '/path/to/project', # git working directory ddl_file => 'sql/schema_ddl.sql', dsn => ['dbi:mysql:my_project', 'root', ''], ); # DESCRIPTION GitDDL::Migrator is database migration utility extended [GitDDL](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?GitDDL). [GitDDL](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?GitDDL) is very cool module. It's very simple and developer friendly. I use it in development, but features of it are not enough in operation phase. Features needed at operation phases are: e.g. - save migration history - rollback to previous version - specify version - specify SQL (sometimes [SQL::Translator](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?SQL::Translator)'s output is wrong) - check differences from versioned SQL and real database Then for solving them, I wrote GitDDL::Migrator. # METHODS ## `GitDDL::Migrator->new(%options)` Create GitDDL::Migrator object. Available options are: - `work_tree` => 'Str' (Required) Git working tree path includes target DDL file. - `ddl_file` => 'Str' (Required) DDL file (.sql file) path in repository. If DDL file located at /repos/project/sql/schema.sql and work\_tree root is /repos/project, then this option should be sql/schema.sql - `dsn` => 'ArrayRef' (Required) DSN parameter that pass to [DBI](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?DBI) module. - `version_table` => 'Str' (optional) database table name that contains its git commit version. (default: git\_ddl\_version) - `ignore_tables` => 'ArrayRef' (optional) tables for ignoring when calling `check_ddl_mismatch()`. (default: empty) ## `$gd->migrate(%opt)` migrate database ## `$gd->real_diff` display differences from versioned DDL and real database setting. ## `$gd->diff_to_real_database` alias of `real_diff` ## `$gd->diff_from_real_database` display differences from real database setting and versioned DDL. ## `$gd->check_ddl_mismatch` check differences from versioned DDL and real database setting. ## `$gd->get_rollback_version` get previous database version. ## `$gd->rollback_diff` display differences SQL from current version and previous version. ## `$gd->create_version_table` Only create version table, don't deploy any other SQLs. It is useful to apply `GitDDL::Migrator` to existing databases. # LICENSE Copyright (C) Masayuki Matsuki. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Masayuki Matsuki <y.songmu@gmail.com>