Formatter::HTML::MPS ==================== Formatter::HTML::MPS is a tool for writing presentations. You can write your slides in a single file using the lightweight markup language Markdown, adding some simple markup to identify slides and do misc configuration. Your file will then be converted to a single HTML file, with a default CSS file for @media projection that will show your single file as a set of slides. The module comes with the command line utility that uses the module to convert MPS files to HTML, and has a few options. Format ------ Each slide is formatted using the Markdown format. In addition to that, a simple format is used to set variables and to denote new slides. All MPS directives start with ';'. Comments start with ';;'. To indicate a new slide, use the 'newslide' directive. I.e., start the line with: ; newslide To set a configuration variable, use the 'set' directive. I.e.: ; set VAR = VALUE Currently, supported variables are: * output_format: only 'xhtml1.0_strict' is supported. Example: ; set output_format = xhtml1.0_strict * title: the title of the presentation. More information ---------------- Markdown: <URL: >