Formatter::HTML::MPS ==================== Formatter::HTML::MPS is a tool for writing presentations. You can write your slides in a single file using the lightweight markup language Markdown, adding some simple markup to identify slides and do misc configuration. Your file will then be converted to a single HTML file, with a default CSS file for @media projection that will show your single file as a set of slides. The module comes with the command line utility that uses the module to convert MPS files to HTML, and has a few options. Format ------ Each slide is formatted using the Markdown format. In addition to that, a simple format is used to set variables and to denote new slides. All MPS directives start with ';'. Comments start with ';;'. To indicate a new slide, use the 'newslide' directive. I.e., start the line with: ; newslide To set a configuration variable, use the 'set' directive. I.e.: ; set VAR = VALUE Currently, supported variables are: * output_format: only 'xhtml1.0_strict' is supported. Example: ; set output_format = xhtml1.0_strict * title: the title of the presentation. Usage ----- $ test.mps Supported browsers ------------------ In theory, the default CSS should be usable with all HTML viewers that support the projection media type in CSS. In practice, this has only been tested with the Opera browser (where you can press F11 to enter "projection mode"). More information ---------------- Markdown: <URL: > OperaShow: <URL: >