NAME Try::Lite - easy exception catcher with auto rethrow SYNOPSIS use Try::Lite; try { YourExceptionClass->throw; } 'YourExceptionClass' => sub { say ref($@); # show 'YourExceptionClass' }; you can catch base exception class: package YourExceptionClass { use parent 'BaseExceptionClass'; } try { YourExceptionClass->throw; } 'BaseExceptionClass' => sub { say ref($@); # show 'YourExceptionClass' }; you can catch any exception: try { die "oops\n"; } '*' => sub { say $@; # show "oops\n"; }; auto rethrow: eval { try { die "oops\n"; } 'YourExceptionClass' => sub {}; }; say $@; # show "oops\n" you can any exception catch: sub run (&) { my $code = shift; try { $code->() } 'FileException' => sub { say 'file exception' }, 'NetworkException' => sub { say 'network exception' }; } run { FileException->throw }; # show 'file exception' run { NetworkException->throw }; # show 'network exception' run { die 'oops' }; # Died DESCRIPTION Try::Lite is easy exception catch with Exception classes. Exception other than the all specified conditions are It run rethrow. THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT RELEASE. API MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. EXPORT try $code_ref, %catche_rules AUTHOR Kazuhiro Osawa <yappo {@} shibuya {dot} pl> SEE ALSO try function base is Try::Tiny LICENSE Copyright (C) Kazuhiro Osawa This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.