NAME POE::Component::Client::NRPE - A POE Component that implements check_nrpe functionality VERSION version 0.20 SYNOPSIS # A simple 'check_nrpe' version 2 clone use strict; use POE qw(Component::Client::NRPE); use Getopt::Long; $|=1; my $command; my $hostname; my $return_code; GetOptions("host=s", \$hostname, "command=s", \$command); unless ( $hostname ) { $! = 3; die "No hostname specified\n"; } POE::Session->create( inline_states => { _start => sub { POE::Component::Client::NRPE->check_nrpe( host => $hostname, command => $command, event => '_result', ); return; }, _result => sub { my $result = $_[ARG0]; print STDOUT $result->{data}, "\n"; $return_code = $result->{result}; return; }, } ); $poe_kernel->run(); exit($return_code); DESCRIPTION POE::Component::Client::NRPE is a POE component that implements version 1 and version 2 of the nrpe (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor) client, check_nrpe. It also supports SSL encryption using Net::SSLeay and a hacked version of POE::Component::SSLify. NAME POE::Component::Client::NRPE - a POE Component that implements check_nrpe functionality CONSTRUCTOR check_nrpe Takes a number of parameters: 'host', the hostname or IP address to connect to, mandatory; 'event', the event handler in your session where the result should be sent, mandatory; 'session', optional if the poco is spawned from within another session; 'port', the port to connect to, default is 5666; 'version', the NRPE protocol version to use, default is 2; 'usessl', set this to 0 to disable SSL support with NRPE Version 2, default is 1; 'command', the command to run remotely, default is '_NRPE_CHECK'; 'args', any arguments to be passed along with the 'command'; 'context', anything you like that'll fit in a scalar, a ref for instance; 'timeout', number of seconds to wait for socket timeouts, default is 10; 'unknown', set this to true to make the poco return socket timeouts as UNKNOWN instead of CRITICAL; The 'session' parameter is only required if you wish the output event to go to a different session than the calling session, or if you have spawned the poco outside of a session. The poco does it's work and will return the output event with the result. OUTPUT EVENT This is generated by the poco. ARG0 will be a hash reference with the following keys: 'version', the NRPE protocol version; 'host', the hostname given; 'command', the command that was run; 'context', anything that you specified; 'result', the Nagios result code, can be 0,1,2 or 3; 'data', what the NRPEd gave us by way of output; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This module uses code derived from <> Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 STIC GmbH, SEE ALSO POE POE::Component::SSLify <> AUTHOR Chris Williams <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Chris Williams, Apocalypse, Rocco Caputo and STIC GmbH.. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.