What is Tk::CursorControl ?

This module offers a Tk programmer the functionality of
warping, moving, confining or hiding a mouse cursor.

For those of you who think this is a  scary thought. At ease!
Have a look at some of the suggested uses in the POD.

If you use Windows, I can guarantee that your cursor has
been 'confined' and 'warped' numerous times...and you likely
didn't even know it or think twice about it. 

Subtle use is the key !!

Install like you would any other perl module (where X.X is
the version number you have downloaded):

   gzip -d Tk-CursorControl-X.X.tar.gz
   tar -xvf Tk-CursorControl-X.X.tar
   cd Tk-CursorControl-X.X
   perl Makefile.PL
   make test    #see NOTE below
   make install

For Windows and ActiveState Perl, replace "make" with "nmake". If
you do not have the Visual C++ compiler available or have nmake
installed on your system then just copy the following files to
C:\Perl\lib\site\Tk :


NOTE: This distribution comes with a 'widget' demonstration which
should be available after a make install. If you wish to view this
demo during the install stage, do a:

make demo

..after 'make test'.

To view the demonstration after final installation, run the 'widget'
demonstration which should already be in your PATH. Just invoke
the command by typing 'widget' (without the quotes) at a command
prompt. Under the "User Contributed Demonstration" list you should
see a CursorControl entry. Click on this to view the demo.

Send bug reports, comments and suggestions to dunniganj@cpan.org.


Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Jack Dunnigan. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.