--- abstract: 'The easy way to serve web content with POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP.' author: - 'Chris Williams <chris@bingosnet.co.uk>' build_requires: Test::More: 0.47 distribution_type: module generated_by: 'Module::Install version 0.77' license: perl meta-spec: url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html version: 1.4 name: POE-Component-Server-SimpleContent no_index: directory: - inc - t - examples requires: CGI: 0 Carp: 0 File::Basename: 0 Filesys::Virtual::Plain: 0.07 HTTP::Request: 0 HTTP::Response: 0 MIME::Types: 1.15 POE: 0.38 Storable: 0 URI::Escape: 3.28 perl: 5.6.0 resources: license: http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ version: 1.14