#!/usr/bin/perl use IniConf; use strict; use CGI; my ($cgi, $VERSION, $prog, $cfg, $inifile, $form, $section, $param, $value, $name, $length, $row, @rows, $input, ); $cgi = new CGI; $VERSION = 0.5; $inifile = "configuration.ini"; # Hardcoded for security $prog = "iniedit.cgi"; # The name of this file $cfg = IniConf->new(-file => $inifile); # Has the user already filled in some values? if ($cgi->param('action') eq "change") { MakeChanges($cgi, $cfg); } # Display the HTML page print $cgi->header; print "<table>"; print $cgi->start_form(-method=>'POST', -action=>$prog); print $cgi->hidden(-name=>'action', -value=>'change'); for $section ($cfg->Sections) { $row = $cgi->th({-colspan=>'2'}, $section); print $cgi->Tr($row); for $param ($cfg->Parameters($section)) { $value = $cfg->val($section, $param); $name = $section . "___" . $param; $length = length($value) + 5; $input = $cgi->textfield(-name=>$name, -value=>$value, -size=>$length); $row = $cgi->td({-align=>'RIGHT'},$param) . $cgi->td({-align=>'LEFT'},$input); print $cgi->Tr($row); } # End for param } # End for sections $row = $cgi->td({-colspan=>'2'}, $cgi->submit('Make changes')); print $cgi->Tr($row); print "</form></table>"; sub MakeChanges { my ($cgi, $cfg) = @_; my ($key, $section, $param, @fields, $field); @fields = $cgi->param; for $field (@fields) { if ($field =~ /___/) { ($section, $param) = split /___/, $field; $cfg->setval($section, $param, $cgi->param($field)); } } # End keys $cfg->RewriteConfig; $cfg->ReadConfig; } # End sub MakeChanges =head1 NAME iniedit.cgi - Interface for editing a generic ini configuration file from the web. =head1 DESCRIPTION Generates a HTML form containing the sections and values from a .ini-style configuration file, and lets you modify them. =head1 README Generates a HTML form containing the sections and values from a .ini-style configuration file, and lets you modify them. =head1 PREREQUISITES C<IniConf> =pod OSNAMES Any =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES CGI =cut