=head1 NAME

CGI::QuickForm - Perl module to provide quick CGI forms. 


    # Minimal example. (Insecure no error checking.) 

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict ;
    use CGI qw( :standard :html3 ) ;
    use CGI::QuickForm ;

        -ACCEPT => \&on_valid_form, # You must supply this subroutine.
        -TITLE  => 'Test Form',
        -FIELDS => [
            { -LABEL => 'Name', },  # Default field type is textfield.
            { -LABEL => 'Age',  },  # Stored in param( 'Age' ).
    ) ;

    sub on_valid_form {
        my $name = param( 'Name' ) ;
        my $age  = param( 'Age' ) ;
        open PEOPLE, ">>people.tab" ;
        print PEOPLE "$name\t$age\n" ;
        close PEOPLE ;
        print header, start_html( 'Test Form Acceptance' ),
            h3( 'Test Form Data Accepted' ),
            p( "Thank you $name for your data." ), end_html ;

    # All QuickForm options (aide memoir)

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict ;
    use CGI qw( :standard :html3 ) ;
    use CGI::QuickForm ;

        -ACCEPT           => \&on_valid_form, 
        -BORDER           => 0,
        -FOOTER           => undef,
        -HEADER           => undef,      
        -INTRO            => undef,
        -LANGUAGE         => 'en',
        -USER_REQUIRED    => undef,
        -USER_INVALID     => undef,
        -TITLE            => 'Test Form',
        -REQUIRED_HTML    => '<span style="font-weight:bold;color:BLUE">+</span>',
        -INVALID_HTML     => '<span style="font-weight:bold;color:RED">*</span>',
        -VALIDATE         => undef,       # Set this to validate the entire record
        -SIZE             => undef,
        -MAXLENGTH        => undef,
        -ROWS             => undef,
        -COLUMNS          => undef,
        -CHECK            => 1,
        -SPACE            => 0, # Output some newlines to assist debugging if 1
        -MULTI_COLUMN     => 0,
        -NAME             => undef,
        -ONSUBMIT         => undef,
        -JSCRIPT          => {},
        -STYLE_FIELDNAME  => '',
        -STYLE_FIELDVALUE => '',
        -STYLE_BUTTONS    => '',
        -STYLE_ROW        => '',
        -STYLE_WHY        => '',
        -TABLE_OPTIONS    => '',
        -FIELDS           => [            
                -LABEL            => 'Personal Details',
                -HEADLINE         => 1,
                -STYLE_FIELDNAME  => '',
                -COLSPAN          => 2,
                -END_ROW          => 1,
                -LABEL            => 'Name', 
                -START_ROW        => 1,
                -END_ROW          => 1,
                -COLSPAN          => 1,
                -REQUIRED         => undef,
                -TYPE             => 'textfield',
                -VALIDATE         => undef, # Set this to validate the field
                -CLEAN            => undef, # Set this to clean up valid data
                -DESC             => undef,
                -STYLE_FIELDNAME  => '', # If set over-rides form-level setting
                -STYLE_FIELDVALUE => '', # If set over-rides form-level setting
                -STYLE_ROW        => '', # If set over-rides form-level setting
                # Lowercase options are those supplied by CGI.pm
                -name             => undef, # Defaults to -LABEL's value.
                -default          => undef,
                -size             => 30,
                -maxlength        => undef,
            # For all others: same QuickForm options as above
            # and all CGI.pm options (which vary with -TYPE) available 
                -LABEL     => 'Address', 
                -TYPE      => 'textarea',
                -rows      => 3,
                -columns   => 40,
                -LABEL     => 'Password', 
                -TYPE      => 'password_field',
                -LABEL     => 'Hair colour', 
                -TYPE      => 'scrolling_list',
                '-values'  => [ qw( Red Black Brown Grey White ) ],
                -size      => 1,
                -multiples => undef,
                -LABEL     => 'Worst Sport', 
                -TYPE      => 'radio_group',
                -values    => [ qw( Boxing Cricket Golf ) ], 
                -default   => 'Golf',
            # Any other CGI.pm field can be used in the same way.
        -BUTTONS           => [
            { -name => 'Add'    },
            { -name => 'Edit'   },
            { -name => 'List'   },
            { -name => 'Remove' },
            { -name => 'Clear', -DEFAULTS => 1 },
    ) ;


C<show_form>, provides a quick and simple mechanism for providing on-line CGI

When C<show_form> executes it presents the form with the fields requested.
As you can see from the minimal example at the beginning of the synopsis it
will default everything it possibly can to get you up and running as quickly
as possible.

If you have specified any validation it will validate when the user presses
the submit button. If there is an error it will re-present the form with the
erroneous fields marked and with all the data entered in tact. This is
repeated as often as needed. Once the user has corrected all errors and the
data is valid then your C<&on_valid_form> subroutine will be called so that
you can process the valid data in any way you wish.

Note that EXAMPLE #1 and EXAMPLE #2 are in this pod; C<example1>, C<example2>,
etc. are supplied as files.

=head2 QuickForm form-level (record-level) options


=item C<-ACCEPT> 

Required subroutine reference. This is a reference to the subroutine to
execute when the form is successfully completed, i.e. once all the fields and
the whole record are valid (either because no validation was requested or
because every validation subroutine called returned true). The parameters are
accessible via C<CGI.pm>, so your C<&on_valid_form> may look something like

    sub on_valid_form {
        my $first_param  = param( 'first' ) ;
        my $second_param = param( 'second' ) ;
        my $third_param  = param( 'third' ) ;

        # Process, e.g. send an email or write a record to a file or database.
        # Give the user a thank you.

=item C<-BORDER> 

Optional integer. This is the border width. Default is zero. You would
normally set this to 1 if you are using C<-DESC> to add textual descriptions
to your fields.

=item C<-BUTTONS> 

Optional array reference. This is an array of submit buttons. The buttons
appear at the bottom of the form, after all the fields. Each button is defined
as an anonymous hash, e.g.

    -BUTTONS    => [
        { -name => 'New'    },
        { -name => 'Update' },

although any other legitimate C<CGI.pm> options may also be given, e.g.

    -BUTTONS    => [
        { -name => 'New',    -value => 'BUTTON_NEW'    },
        { -name => 'Update', -value => 'BUTTON_UPDATE' },

If you want a button which resets the form to its default values then create
an entry like this:

    { -name => 'Clear', -DEFAULTS => 1 },

If no C<-BUTTONS> option array reference is given it will be created with
C<{ -name =E<lt> 'Submit' }> by default. Note that this option replaces the
C<-BUTTONLABEL> option. If C<-BUTTONLABEL> is used it will be converted into
the new form automatically so old scripts will I<not> be broken. However use
of C<-BUTTONS> is recommended for all new work. To see which button has been
pressed you might use code like this in your on_valid_form subroutine:

    if( param( 'New' ) ) {
        # New pressed
    elsif( param( 'Update' ) ) {
        # Update pressed
    # etc.

=item C<-CHECK> 

Optional boolean, default is true. When C<show_form> is called it will check
(i.e. do validation) providing there are parameters (i.e. the user has filled
in the form) I<and> if C<-CHECK> is true. This option would not normally be
used. However if you have links which call your form with some parameters
(e.g. default values), you will want the form to be displayed with the
defaults but I<without> any validation taking place in the first instance. In
this situation you would set C<-CHECK> to false. Thus we must cope with the
following scenarios: 


=item 1. 

Form is called with no params - must display blank form and validate when
the user presses a button;

=item 2. 

Form is called with params (e.g. by clicking a link we've provided) - must
display form with any defaults and I<not> validate until the user presses a

=item 3. 

Form is called with params (as the result of the user pressing a button) -
validation must take place.


To achieve the above we need to add an extra field=value pair to the URL we
provide and if that is present then skip validation. The field's name must
I<not> be one of the form's fields! e.g.

    # If it is to be called from one of our own URLs with something like
    # www.mysite.com/cgi-bin/myscript?colour=green&size=large
    # then we must add in the extra field=value and write the preceeding link
    # for example as:
    # www.mysite.com/cgi-bin/myscript?QFCHK=0&colour=green&size=large 
    # We then use query_string() to set -CHECK to 0 and show the form with the
    # defaults without validating - we'll validate when they press a button. 
    # If its been called as something like www.mysite.com/cgi-bin/myscript
    # then set -CHECK to 1 which gives us standard behaviour:
    # i.e. if there are params then show_form will validate; otherwise it will
    # show the blank form.
        -CHECK => ( query_string() =~ /QFCHK=0/o ? 0 : 1 ), 
        # etc
        ) ;

    # Or more verbosely:
    my $Check = 1 ;
    $Check    = 0 if query_string() =~ /QFCHK=0/o ; 
        -CHECK => $Check,
        # etc
        ) ;

Note that QuickForm discards any query string if it reinvokes itself because
of invalid data. This is useful because it means you can use the query string
to distinguish between a 'first time' call and subsequent calls as we do here
with -CHECK. However if you want a query string parameter to survive these
calls we must extract them and pass them ourselves, e.g. via a hidden field.

=item C<-FOOTER> 

Optional string. This is used to present any text following the form and if
used it must include everything up to and including final "</html>", e.g.:

    my $footer = p( "Thank's for your efforts." ) .
                 h6( "Copyright (c) 1999 Summer plc" ) . end_html ;

        -FOOTER => $footer,
        # etc.

Alternatively, supply a code reference, e.g.:

    sub my_footer {
	print '<hr>The end' . end_html ;

	-FOOTER => \&my_footer,
	# etc.

Note that the code that's called is responsible for printing its own output.

=item C<-HEADER> 

Optional string. This is used to present your own title and text before the
form proper. If you use this it must include everything from 
"Content-type: text/html" onwards. For example:

    my $header = header . start_html( "This is my Title" ) .
                 h2( "My new Form" ) . p( "Please answer the questions!" ) ;

        -HEADER => $header,
        # etc

Alternatively, supply a code reference, e.g.:

    sub my_header {
	print header . start_html( 'A new beginning' ) ;

	-HEADER => \&my_header,
	# etc.

Note that the code that's called is responsible for printing its own output.
See C<example5>.

=item C<-INTRO> 

Optional string. If you specify C<-TITLE> you may want to specify this field
too; it puts a paragraph of text before the form. The English default is
"Please enter the information.", there is a default for each supported
language (see C<-LANGUAGE>).


Optional HTML string. Default is:

    <span style="font-weight:bold;color:RED">*</span>

You can over-ride this to set your own marker to indicate an invalid field.
You could use an image tag for example:

    <img src="/images/invalid.jpg" alt="*" />

Note that if you use your own C<-USER_REQUIRED> or C<-USER_INVALID> strings,
this string will replace the sequence C<~I~> if it occurs.

See C<example1> and the companion option C<-REQUIRED_HTML>.

=item C<-JSCRIPT>

Optional hash reference; should contain at least one element 'src' which
should contain some Javascript, e.g. 

    -JSCRIPT => { src => 'document.Address.myfield.focus()' },

This is just a wrapper for CGI.pm's C<-script> option. (See C<-NAME> and

=item C<-LANGUAGE> 

Optional string. This option accepts 'en' (English), 'cy' (Welsh), 'de'
(German), 'es' (Spanish), 'fr' (French) and 'he' (Hebrew) - the French
translation was done by Babelfish - see CHANGES for the human
translators. ('english' is also supported for backward compatibility.)
If people provide me with translations I will add other languages.
This is used for the presentation of messages to the user, e.g.:

    Please enter the information.
    Fields marked with + are required.
    Fields marked with * contain errors or are empty.

If you want to create your own 'required' or 'invalid' strings using the
C<-USER_REQUIRED> and/or C<-USER_INVALID> options and set C<-LANGUAGE>
to 'user'. If you want your own 'intro' string set it with C<-INTRO>.

If you're using hebrew, 'he', you will need to define your own header,
that specifies an appropriate character set, language and writing
direction. For example:

    my $header = header( -charset => 'windows-1255' ) . 
		 start_html( -lang => 'hebrew', -title => 'My Title' ) .  
		 qq{<div dir="RTL">} . 
		 h2( 'My Title' );
	-HEADER => $header,
	-LANGUAGE => 'he',
	# etc.

See C<example1>.


Optional boolean (default false). If false QuickForm behaves as it always has
producing a two column table, the first column with field names and the second
column with field values. If true QuickForm will put all field names and field
values in the same row, except where you force a new row to be used by marking
some fields with C<-END_ROW => 1,>. See the field-level options C<-START_ROW>,
C<-END_ROW> and C<-COLSPAN>. See C<example2> and C<example4> which have been 
updated to demonstrate these options.

=item C<-NAME>

Optional string. If specified this string is given to the start_form()
function as its C<-name> option; used for identifying the form for Javascript.

=item C<-ONSUBMIT>

Optional string. If specified this string is given to the start_form()
function as its C<-onSubmit> option; used with Javascript.
(See C<-JSCRIPT> and C<-NAME>.)


Optional HTML string. Default is:

    <span style="font-weight:bold;color:BLUE">+</span>

You can over-ride this to set your own marker to indicate a required field.

Note that if you use your own C<-USER_REQUIRED> or C<-USER_INVALID> strings,
this string will replace the sequence C<~R~> if it occurs.

See C<example1> and the companion option C<-INVALID_HTML>.

=item C<-TITLE> 

Required string (unless you use C<-HEADER>). This is used as the form's title
and as a header on the form's page - unless you use the C<-HEADER> option (see
above) in which case this option is ignored.


Optional string. If specified you I<must> set C<-LANGUAGE> to 'user' and if
you are not writing English then you'll need to set C<-USER_REQUIRED> too.

This string is used as the error text for invalid fields. If it contains the
character sequence C<~I~> that sequence will be replaced with the HTML used to
signify an invalid field (which you can override by setting C<-INVALID_HTML>).


Optional string. If specified you I<must> set C<-LANGUAGE> to 'user' and if
you are not writing English then you'll need to set C<-USER_INVALID> too.

This string is used as the error text for required fields. If it contains the
character sequence C<~R~> that sequence will be replaced with the HTML used to
signify a required field (which you can override by setting

=item C<-VALIDATE> 

Optional subroutine reference. This routine is called after each individual
field has been validated. It is given the fields in a name=>value hash. It
should either return a simple true (valid) or false (invalid) or a two element
list, the first element being a true/false value and the second value either
an empty string or an (html) string which gives the reason why the record is
invalid. Typically it may have this structure:

    sub valid_record {
        my %field = @_ ;
        my $valid = 1 ;
        # Do some multi-field validation, e.g.
        if( $field{'colour'} eq 'blue' and
            $field{'make'} eq 'estate' ) {
            $valid = 0 ; # No blue estates available.
        # etc.
        $valid ; # Return the valid variable which may now be false.

or now (preferred style):

    sub valid_record {
        my %field = @_ ;
        my $valid = 1 ;
        my $why   = '' ;
        # Do some multi-field validation, e.g.
        if( $field{'colour'} eq 'blue' and
            $field{'make'} eq 'estate' ) {
          $valid = 0 ; # No blue estates available.
          $why   = '<b><i>No blue estates available</i></b>' ;
        # etc.
        ( $valid, $why ) ; 

I<Both syntaxes work so no existing code need be changed.> If the record is
invalid the C<$why> element will be shown near the top of the form just before
the fields themselves, otherwise (i.e. if the record is valid) it will be

=item C<-COLUMNS> 

Optional integer. If set then any C<-TYPE =E<gt> textarea> will have a
C<-columns> set to this value unless an explicit C<-columns> is given.

=item C<-MAXLENGTH> 

Optional integer. If set then any C<-TYPE =E<gt> textfield> will have a
C<-maxlength> set to this value unless an explicit C<-maxlength> is given.

=item C<-ROWS> 

Optional integer. If set then any C<-TYPE =E<gt> textarea> will have a
C<-rows> set to this value unless an explicit C<-rows> is given.

=item C<-SIZE> 

Optional integer. If set then any C<-TYPE =E<gt> textfield> will have a
C<-size> set to this value unless an explicit C<-size> is given. For example:

        -ACCEPT => \&on_valid_form, # You must supply this subroutine.
        -TITLE  => 'Test Form',
        -SIZE   => 50,
        -FIELDS => [
            { -LABEL => 'Name', },  
            { -LABEL => 'Age',  }, 
    ) ;
    # Both the fields will be textfields because that is the default and both
    # will have a -size of 50.

        -ACCEPT    => \&on_valid_form, # You must supply this subroutine.
        -TITLE     => 'Test Form',
        -SIZE      => 50,
        -MAXLENGTH => 70,
        -FIELDS => [
                -LABEL => 'Name', 
                -CLEAN => \&cleanup, # You must supply this (see later).
            { -LABEL => 'Age',  }, 
                -LABEL => 'Country',  
                          # Here we upper case the country.
                -CLEAN => sub { local $_ = shift ; tr/a-z/A-Z/ ; $_ }, 
                -size  => 20,
    ) ;
    # All three fields will be textfields. Name and Age will have a -size of
    # 50 but Country will have a -size of 20. All three will have a -maxlength
    # of 70.

=item C<-STYLE_*> 

These options apply globally and are documented under Styles later.

=item C<-SPACE> 

Optional integer. If true then QuickForm will output some newlines to help
make the HTML more human readable for debugging; otherwise no additional
whitespace is added. Defaults to false.
=item C<-FIELDS> 

Required array reference. This is an array of hashes; there must be at least
one. The fields are displayed in the order given. The options available in
each field hash are covered in the next section.


=head2 QuickForm field-level options


=item C<-CLEAN> 

Optional subroutine reference. If specified this subroutines will be called
for the relevant field if and only if the whole record is valid, i.e. just
before calling your C<on_valid_form> subroutine. It will receive a single
parameter (the value of the relevant param), and must return a new value. A
typical routine might clean up excess whitespace, e.g.:

    sub cleanup {
        local $_ = shift ; # This is the value of param( <fieldname> )

        tr/\t \n\r\f/ /s ; # Convert multiple whitespace to one space.
        s/^\s*//o ;        # Remove leading whitespace.
        s/\s*$//o ;        # Remove trailing whitespace.

        $_ ;

=item C<-COLSPAN> 

Optional integer. Default is 1; ignored if C<-MULTI_COLUMN> is false. If you
choose C<-MULTI_COLUMN> and want some fields to span multiple rows then you
can use this option to define how many rows are spanned. (Note that every
field is two rows wide, one for the fieldname and one for the fieldvalue.)

=item C<-DESC> 

Optional string. This is a short piece of descriptive text which appears above
the field and is used to give the user a little guidance on what they should
choose or enter. Normally if you use these then you would set the form-level
C<-BORDER> option to 1 to help visually group the field and its descriptive

=item C<-HEADLINE> 

Optional boolean. Default is false. If set to true then instead of inserting a
field, QuickForm will insert a label. This is used to separate blocks of input
fields - see C<example2>. If this is true then you will probably want to set
C<-STYLE_FIELDNAME>, e.g. to make the text stand out; and also C<-COLSPAN> to
the number of columns in the form if using C<-MULTI_COLUMN>. The C<-LABEL> is
the text that will be displayed. If using C<-MULTI_COLUMN> any field that
preceeds C<-HEADLINE> should normally set C<-END_ROW> to true; this isn't done
automatically in case your form has two or more columns and you want to have
different headlines above each column. Thus a typical headline field looks

        -LABEL           => 'General Information',
        -HEADLINE        => 1,
        -COLSPAN         => 2, # Probably needs to be more for -MULTI_COLUMN
        -END_ROW         => 1,
        -STYLE_FIELDNAME => 'style="background-color:black;color:white;font-weight:bold"', 


=item C<-LABEL> 

Required string. This is the display label for the field. It is also used as
the field's name if no C<-name> option is used.

=item C<-REQUIRED> 

Optional boolean. Default is false. If set to true the field must contain
something. Should only be used with text fields. It is ignored if C<-VALIDATE>
is given since C<-VALIDATE> overrides (see later).

=item C<-START_ROW> and C<-END_ROW> 

Optional booleans, default is true. These options are only relevant if the
form-level C<-MULTI_COLUMN> option is set to true in which case these options
are used to identify at which fields rows start and end. In practice
C<-START_ROW> should never be needed; simply set C<-END_ROW => 1,> in each
field which is to be the last field in a given row. Note that because some
fields may need to span several columns e.g. a layout where say the first two
fields are side-by-side and the following field is so wide it must take the
whole width; the wider field's C<-COLSPAN> setting may need to be set to
C<-COLSPAN => 3,> or similar. See C<example2> and C<example4> which have been
updated to demonstrate these options.

=item C<-STYLE_*> 

Some of these options may be applied on a per-field basis; they are documented
under Styles later.

=item C<-TYPE> 

Optional string. Default is C<textfield>. May be any field supported by

=item C<-VALIDATE> 

Optional subroutine reference. If specified this subroutine will be called
when the user presses the submit button; its argument will be the value of the
field. It should either return a simple true (valid) or false (invalid) or a
two element list, the first element being a true/false value and the second
value either an empty string or an (html) string which gives the reason why
the field is invalid. Its typical structure may be:

    sub valid_national_insurance {
        my $ni = shift ;
        $ni = uc $ni ;
        ( $ni =~ /^[A-Z]{2}\d{7}[A-Z]$/o ) ? 1 : 0 ;

or now (preferred style):

    sub valid_national_insurance {
        my $ni  = shift ;
        my $why = '<i>Should be 2 letters followed by 7 ' .
                  'digits then a letter</i>' ;
        $ni = uc $ni ;
        my $valid = ( $ni =~ /^[A-Z]{2}\d{7}[A-Z]$/o ) ? 1 : 0 ;

        ( $valid, $why ) ; 

I<Both syntaxes work so no existing code need be changed.> If the field is
invalid the C<$why> element will be shown immediately to the right of the
field it refers to, otherwise (i.e. if the field is valid) it will be ignored.


=head2 CGI.pm field-level options

All the other options passed in the hash should be the lowercase options
supported by C<CGI.pm> for the particular field type. For example for a
C<-TYPE> of C<textfield> the options currently supported are C<-name>,
C<-default>, C<-size> and C<-maxlength>; you may use any, all or none of them
since C<CGI.pm> always provides sensible defaults. See "All QuickForm options"
in the SYNOPSIS above for examples of the most common field types.

=head2 Styles

If you wish to use a cascading style sheet with QuickForm then you need to set
the -HEADER option to include a <link> tag which includes a reference to your

If you wish to use multiple columns see C<-MULTI_COLUMN>, C<-START_ROW>,
C<-END_ROW> and C<-COLSPAN> as well as C<example2> and C<example4>.

Whether you use a stylesheet for classes or in-line styles you can set the
class or style using the -STYLE_* options, e.g.

    -STYLE_FIELDNAME  => qq{style="font-size:12pt;margin:2em;"},
    -STYLE_FIELDVALUE => qq{class="valueclass"},
    -STYLE_ROW        => qq{class="rowclass"},
    -STYLE_DESC       => qq{style="color:darkblue"},

The above styles apply globally to all rows, but can be over-ridden, see

    -STYLE_WHY        => qq{style="font-style:italic;color:red"},

Because a popular browser cannot cope with this:

    -STYLE_BUTTONS    => qq{style="font-family:Helvetica;text-align:center;"},

which produces:

    <span style="font-family:Helvetica;text-align:center;>
    # buttons HTML

QuickForm also supports (for C<-STYLE_BUTTONS> only) this:

    -STYLE_BUTTONS    => 'center', # or 'centre'

which produces:
    # buttons HTML

For tables you can set options (because most browsers don't seem to support
styles in tables):


See files, C<example3> (linux-help) and C<example5> (bicycle) for more examples.

You can of course also apply your own global styles to the existing tags in
the normal way.

C<-STYLE_ROW> are set in C<show_form> at form-level (i.e. not inside the
C<-FIELDS> section) they apply globally to every fieldname cell, fieldvalue
cell and row respectively. If you require finer control you can set these
styles on a per field basis by including them as field-level options, e.g.

        -ACCEPT           => \&on_valid_form,
        -STYLE_FIELDNAME  => 'style="background-color:#AAAAAA"',
        -STYLE_FIELDVALUE => 'style="background-color:#DDDDDD"',
        -FIELDS           => [
                    -LABEL            => 'Forename', 
                    -STYLE_FIELDNAME  => 'style="background-color:LIGHTGREEN"', 
                    -STYLE_FIELDVALUE => 'style="background-color:YELLOW"', 
        # etc.

If you have set a style at form-level but do not wish it to apply to a
particular row you can over-ride either by setting a new style for the row as
in the example above or by coding C<-STYLE_ROW => ' '> for example; we have to
use a space because if we used the empty string or undef the global style
would be applied.

See example 5.

=head2 EXAMPLE #1: Using a form to generate email 

This program is provided as an example of QuickForm's capabilities, it is not a
production-quality program: it has no error checking and is I<not> secure.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict ;
    use CGI qw( :standard :html3 ) ;
    use CGI::QuickForm ;

        -TITLE  => 'Test Form',
        -ACCEPT => \&on_valid_form, 
        -FIELDS => [
                -LABEL    => 'Forename',
                -REQUIRED => 1,
                -LABEL    => 'Surname',
                -REQUIRED => 1,
            { -LABEL => 'Age', },
                -LABEL    => 'Sex',
                -TYPE     => 'radio_group',
                '-values' => [ qw( Female Male ) ],
    ) ;

    # This subroutine will only be called if the name fields contain at
    # least one character.
    sub on_valid_form {
        my $forename = param( 'Forename' ) ;
        my $surname  = param( 'Surname' ) ;
        my $age      = param( 'Age' ) ;
        open MAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -t" ; 
        print MAIL "From: test\@localhost\n" .
                   "To: user\@localhost\n" .
                   "Subject: Quick Form Email Test\n\n" .
                   "Name: $forename $surname\n" .
                   "Age:  $age\n" ;
        print header, start_html( 'Test Form Data Accepted' ),
            h3( 'Test Form Data Accepted' ),
            p( "Thank you $forename for your data." ), end_html ;

=head2 EXAMPLE #2: Appending data to a file

This program is provided as an example of QuickForm's capabilities, it is not a
production-quality program: it has no error checking and is I<not> secure.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w

    use strict ;
    use CGI qw( :standard :html3 ) ;
    use CGI::QuickForm ;

        -TITLE     => 'Test Form',
        -ACCEPT    => \&on_valid_form, 
        -VALIDATE  => \&valid_form,
        -SIZE      => 40,
        -MAXLENGTH => 60,
        -FIELDS => [
                -LABEL     => 'Forename',
                -VALIDATE  => \&valid_name,
                -CLEAN     => \&cleanup,    # (See earlier for definition.)
                -LABEL     => 'Surname',
                -VALIDATE  => \&valid_name,
                -CLEAN     => \&cleanup,    # (See earlier for definition.)
                -LABEL     => 'Age',
                # &mk_valid_number generates a subroutine (a closure) and
                # returns a reference to that subroutine.
                -VALIDATE  => &mk_valid_number( 3, 130 ), 
                -size      => 10,
                -maxlength => 3,
    ) ;

    # This will only be called if all the validation routines return true. 
    sub on_valid_form {
        my $forename = param( 'Forename' ) ;
        my $surname  = param( 'Surname' ) ;
        my $age      = param( 'Age' ) ;
        open FILE, ">>namedata.tab" ;
        print FILE "$surname\t$forename\t$age\n" ;
        close FILE ;
        print header, start_html( 'Test Form Data Accepted' ),
            h3( 'Test Form Data Accepted' ),
            p( "Thank you $forename for your data." ), end_html ;

    # This is called to validate the entire form (record).
    # Use a routine like this if there are relationships between fields that
    # must be tested.
    sub valid_form {
        my %rec   = @_ ;
        my $valid = 1 ;
        # We don't allow (perfectly valid!) names like 'John John'.
        my $why   = 'Not allowed to have identical forename and surname' ;
        $valid    = 0 if lc $rec{'Surname'} eq lc $rec{'Forename'} ;
        ( $valid, $why ) ; # $why is ignored if valid.

    sub valid_name {
        my $name  = shift ;
        my $valid = 1 ;
        $valid    = 0 if $name !~ /^\w{2,}$/o ;
        ( $valid, 'Name must have at least 2 letters' ) ; 

    sub mk_valid_number {
        my( $min, $max ) = @_ ;

        sub { 
            my $valid = $_[0] ? ( $min <= $_[0] and $_[0] <= $max ) : 1 ;
            ( $valid, "<i>Should be between $min and $max inclusive</i>" ) ; 
        } ;

=head2 mod_perl

QuickForm appears to run fine in CGI scripts that run under Apache::Registry
without requiring any changes.

If you want to use QuickForm under pure mod_perl, i.e. outside
Apache::Registry they you need to do the following:


=item 1. 

Add the following lines at the beginning of your script:

    use Apache::Constants qw( :common ) ;

=item 2. 

Ensure that any routines that return to mod_perl return OK. Normally this will
be C<handler()> and C<on_valid_form()>. 

=item 3. 

Convert your script into a module by wrapping the C<show_form()> call in a
C<handler> subroutine etc.

=item 4. 

Copy the module into an Apache subdirectory in your C<@INC> path.

=item 5. 

Edit your Apache httpd.conf (or perl.conf) to add a Location for the module. 

=item 6. 

If you are converting a script that uses C<url()> you may need to add the name
of the script, e.g. C<url() . path_info()>. 


See C<example6> for a working example that covers all the points above.
C<example6> also has notes at the beginning to explain how to set things up.
C<example6> is a simple conversion of C<example2> so you can see the simple
changes required. Of course you don't have to change your scripts at all if
you run them under Apache::Registry.


If you want to pass QuickForm an C<on_valid_form> function that is in fact an
object's method call then instead of:

    -ACCEPT => \&on_valid_form,

you need to write:

    -ACCEPT => sub { $object->on_valid_form },

assuming that you have an object reference called C<$object> and you want it
to call its C<on_valid_form> method.


See http://www.perlpress.com/perl/quickform.html

=head1 BUGS

If you get messages like this under pure mod_perl:

    [error] Undefined subroutine &Apache::xxxxxxx::handler called.

the problem is with your configuration I<not> QuickForm, and I won't be able
to help you. Please see the copious and high quality documentation at
L<http://perl.apache.org> for help with this problem.

If mod_perl prints things like "Content: text/html" at the top of your forms
it's a mod_perl issue; check your PerlSendHeader setting (I have it Off).

Some browsers get awfully confused about colouring rows and cells in tables,
so if you have problems with this please check the HTML that QuickForm
produces (via your browsers View Source command) -- in my test cases QuickForm
always outputs correct HTML so the problem if any is with the browser --
however if you find that the HTML is invalid please email me your script plus
the HTML shown by View Source (in case I can't run your script).

=head1 AUTHOR

Mark Summerfield. I can be contacted as <summer@perlpress.com> -
please include the word 'quickform' in the subject line.

Emails giving the URLs of the pages where you use QuickForm would be

See CHANGES for acknowledgements.


Copyright (c) Mark Summerfield 1999-2002. All Rights Reserved.

This module may be used/distributed/modified under the LGPL.
