Cisco/IPPhone version 0.01

Cisco::IPPhone - Package for creating Cisco IPPhone XML applications

This Cisco IPPhone module was created to provide a simple convenient
method to display Cisco IP Phone objects and gather input from a Cisco
7940 or 7960 IP Phone.  This module supports all known Cisco XML objects
for 7940 and 7960 phones.  Knowledge of Cisco XML syntax is not a requirement.

This Perl module gives the ability to use simple PERL objects to display XML on
the IP Phone unlike to Cisco Software Development Kit (SDK) which uses 
Microsoft IIS Server, ASP's, JSP's, Javascript, COM Objects, and requires 
knowledge of XML syntax. 


Developing Cisco IPPhone XML applications using the Cisco::IPPhone module requires the following:
 - Cisco CallManager Software or the CallManager Emulator Software
 - Any web server capable of running Perl CGI (Apache, etc)
 - A Cisco 7940 or 7960 IPPhone for testing the applications


Use the perl img2cip or cip2img to convert images to cip and vice-versa.
Code contributed by Nate Mueller (  These modules
require the Perl GD image module to be installed. Thanks to the Unisys patent
lawyers that enforce the LZW compression algorithm used by GIF files, the
Perl GD graphics module no longer supports GIF, however PNG and JPG formats
will work.

If you're using Windows or do not have the Perl GD module loaded, 
Use cip2gif.exe, gif2cip.exe, or the photoshop plugin to create the cip files
and use the data portion of the cip file in your Perl XML objects.
To use the photoshop plugin, just copy the cip.8bi plugin into the 
Photoshop plugin's directory and then do Save As -> Cip

The following list gives typical services that might be supplied to a phone:

 - Weather
 - Stock information
 - Contact information
 - Company news
 - To-do lists
 - Real-time NFL scores
 - Daily schedule

If you would like your XML app distributed with this module under the examples
directory on CPAN, please email the app to Mark Palmer -


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires these other modules and libraries:

If using the cip2img or img2cip modules, the Perl GD graphics module is required
Otherwise, there are no other requirements or dependencies.


Distributed under the Perl Artistic License

Copyright (C) 2002 Mark Palmer