Catalyst::Plugin::CDBI::Transaction - Simple transaction handling for
    Catalyst apps that use Class::DBI models

        # ... in your application class:
        package MyApp;

        use Catalyst qw/CDBI::Transaction/;

        # ... in a controller class:
        package MyApp::Controller::Foo;

        sub create_in_transaction : Local  {
            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

            $c->transaction( sub { 
                    field_1 => 'value 1',
                    field_2 => 'value 2',
            } )
                or $c->log->error("Transaction failed: " . $c->error->[-1]);

    Handle Catalyst::Model::CDBI database operations inside a transaction

        Pass a coderef to $c->transaction, and it will be executed
        atomically (inside of a transaction):

            $c->transaction( $ref_to_anonymous_subroutine );

        Returns true and commits the transaction if all the statements
        inside the coderef were successful. Upon failure, adds the error
        message to $c->error, returns false and automatically rolls back the

        This method was adapted from the idiom presented in the Class::DBI
        documentation, under the TRANSACTIONS heading.

        Called internally by $c->transaction to search all laoded components
        and return those that have a db_Main() method and where AutoCommit
        is not explicitly disabled. Caches the search result for subsequent
        calls. Returns an arrayref containing all the found components, or
        undef if none found.

    All loaded model components used in the coderef passed to
    $c->transaction must have AutoCommit set to a true value. If AutoCommit
    is off for a connection, $c->transaction will not trigger commits or
    rollbacks on that connection, and you will need to take care of the
    commit yourself.

    This plugin is intended for running the occasional transaction on a
    database connection that normally runs in AutoCommit mode. If you choose
    to run with AutoCommit off, then you probably should handle your
    transactions manually rather than with

    This plugin currently only works with Class::DBI models. It has been
    tested with Catalyst::Model::CDBI and Catalyst::Model::CDBI::Sweet.

    Be careful when running this plugin under mod_perl. If the coderef
    passed to $c->transaction is from a named subroutine, mod_perl won't
    recompile that subroutine on each request, and thus will ignore future
    changes to the lexical variables outside the subroutine. This is
    probably not what you want. In summary, always pass an *anonymous*
    subroutine to $c->transaction, like in the SYNOPSIS above. And check
    your error logs for the infamous "won't stay shared" message. See the
    mod_perl docs, specifically "Understanding Closures", for more details.

    Class::DBI (especially the TRANSACTIONS section), Catalyst

    Brian Cooke, ""

    This plugin is free software. You may redistribute or modify it under
    the same terms as Perl itself.


    To install this module, run the following commands:

        perl Build.PL
        ./Build test
        ./Build install


        perl Makefile.PL
        make test
        make install