NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication::OIDC - OpenID Connect implementation integrated into Mojolicious SYNOPSIS $self->plugin('Authentication::OIDC' => { client_secret => '...', well_known_url => 'https://idp/realms/master/.well-known/openid-configuration', public_key => "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n...\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----", }); # in controller say "Hi " . $c->current_user->firstname; use Array::Utils qw(intersect); if(intersect($c->current_user_roles->@*, qw(admin))) { ... } DESCRIPTION Mojolicious plugin for OpenID Connect <> authentication. Designed to work with an OpenID Connect provider like Keycloak, in confidential access mode. Its design goal is to be configured "all at once" and then little-to-no effort should be needed to support it elsewhere -- this is largely achieved via hooks ("on_success", "on_error", "on_login", "on_activity") and handlers ("get_token", "get_user", "get_roles") Controller actions "OpenIDConnect#redirect" and "OpenIDConnect#login" are registered, and can be mapped to routes implicitly (see "make_routes") or manually routed to (e.g., via Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI). For the auth workflow, clients should be sent to "OpenIDConnect#redirect" (via "redirect_path" if "make_routes" is enabled). Once the client authenticates to the identity server, they'll be sent to "OpenIDConnect#login" (via "login_path", again, if "make_routes" is enabled). Upon successful login, the "on_login" hook will be called, followed by the "on_success" hook, which should send the client to a post-login page. Then, on every server access on/after login, the "on_activity" hook will be called. Controllers may get information about the logged in user via the "current_user" and "current_user_roles" helper methods. METHODS Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication::OIDC inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones register( \%params ) Register plugin in Mojolicious application, including registering Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication::OIDC::Controller::OpenIDConnect as a Mojolicious controller. Configuration is done via the "\%params" HashRef, given the following keys make_routes Optional A flag to indicate whether routes should be registered for "redirect_path" and "login_path" pointing to "redirect" in Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication::OIDC::Controller::OpenIDConnect and "login" in Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication::OIDC::Controller::OpenIDConnect, respectively. Set to false if you are handling these routes some other way, for instance in a Mojolicious::PLugin::OpenAPI spec. Default: true client_id Optional The application's unique identifier, to the auhorization server Default: the application moniker (lowercase) client_secret Required A secret value known to the authorization server, specific to this application well_known_url Required A discovery endpoint that informs the application of the authorization server's specific configuration and capabilities Example: "" public_key Required The RSA public key corresponding to the private key with which the authorization tokens are signed by the authorization server. Format is a PEM/DER/JWT string accepted by "decode_jwt" in Crypt::JWT's "key" parameter. redirect_path Optional The path for the route which redirects users to the authorization server. Only used when "make_routes" is enabled, for configuring the path of that route. Default: "/auth" login_path Optional The path section of the URL to be used as the OIDC "redirect_uri". The full URL will be constructed based on the scheme/host/port of the request. This path is also used for route registration if "make_routes" is enabled. Default: "/auth/login" get_user ( $token ) Optional A callback that's given the auth token data as its only argument. It should return the application's "user" instance corresponding to that data (e.g., a database record object), creating any references as necessary. Default: Simply returns the auth token data as a HashRef get_token ( $controller ) Optional A callback that's given a Mojolicious controller as its only argument. It should return the encoded authorization token. This allows the application to choose where and how the token is stored on the client side and sent to the server. Default: returns the "token" value of the Mojo session get_roles ( $user, $token ) Optional Given a "user" instance (produced by "get_user") and a decoded authorization token as arguments, returns an ArrayRef of roles pertaining to that user. Default: returns an empty ArrayRef role_map (%map) Optional A mapping of external roles (e.g., from Authorization Server) to internal roles used by the application's authorization framework. If this option is specified, roles not present in its keys are deleted, all others will be mapped. on_login ( $controller, $user ) Optional A hook to allow the application to respond to a successful user login, such as updating the user's "last_login" date. Default: "undef" on_activity ( $controller, $user ) Optional A hook to allow the application to respond to any request by a logged-in user, such as updating the user's "last_activity" date. Default: "undef" on_success ( $controller, $token ) Optional A hook invoked when the user's authorization request succeeds. This code should address storage of the authentication token on the frontend. Default: Stores the (encrypted) token in the "token" key of the Mojo session and redirects to "/login/success" on_error Optional A hook invoked when the user's authorization request fails. Default: renders the Authorization Server's response (JSON) current_user Returns the user record (from "get_user") for the currently logged in user. If no user is logged in, or any failure occurs in reading their access token, returns "undef" current_user_roles If a user is logged in, returns their roles (as determined by "get_roles"). Otherwise, returns "undef" AUTHOR Mark Tyrrell "<>" LICENSE Copyright (c) 2024 Mark Tyrrell Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.