
    version 0.01

    In your dist.ini:

       # Any module that contains 'XS'

       # Only specified modules
       module = JSON::XS
       module = YAML::XS

    Use this plugin instead of the regular "ModuleBuild" plugin when you are
    relying on XS modules that have a pure Perl fallback, eg JSON, JSON::XS
    and JSON::PP.

    It generates a Build.PL which will promote XS modules from "recommends"
    to "requires" if there is a working C compiler. This behaviour can be
    disabled by passing a "--pp" flag to "Build.PL".

    By default, it will select any module in the "recommends" list that
    include "XS" in the name. Otherwise you can specify a list of modules in
    your "dist.ini"

    If you have any suggestions for improvements, or find any bugs, please
    report them to
    S/issues>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified
    of progress on your bug as I make changes.