HTML::Template::Associate - Associate relevant packages with HTML::Template

            #Example usage with FormValidator as the target 
            use CGI qw/:standard/;
            use Data::FormValidator;
            use HTML::Template;
            use HTML::Template::Associate;
            my $cgi = CGI->new;
            #for testing purposes we can add some input to our cgi object
            $cgi->param( 'fullname', 'John Doe' );
            $cgi->param( 'phone', 6041112222 );
            $cgi->param( 'email', 'invalid@email' );
            my $input_profile = {
                    optional => [ qw( company fax country ) ],
                    required => [ qw( fullname phone email address city state zipcode ) ],
                    constraints  => {
                            email => 'email',
                            fax => 'american_phone',
                            phone => 'american_phone',
                            zipcode => '/^\s*\d{5}(?:[-]\d{4})?\s*$/',
                            state => "state",
                    defaults => { country => "Canada" },
                    msgs => {
                            prefix=> 'error_',
                            missing => 'Not Here!',
                            invalid => 'Problematic!',
                            invalid_seperator => ' <br /> ',
                            format => 'ERROR: %s',
                            any_errors => 'some_errors',
            my $validator = Data::FormValidator->new;
            my $results = $validator->check ( scalar $cgi->Vars, $input_profile ); 
            my $associate = HTML::Template::Associate->new( {
                    target => 'FormValidator', 
                    results => $results,
                    extra_arguments => [ $validator ] #not needed but just illustrated
            } ); 
            my $template = HTML::Template->new(
                    filename => 'test.tmpl', 
                    associate => [ $cgi, $associate ] 
            print $template->output;
            #and in our test.tmpl file we could have
            Valid Fields:<br>
            Field Name: <TMPL_VAR NAME=FIELD_NAME><br>
            Field Value: <TMPL_VAR NAME=FIELD_VALUE><br> 
            Missing Fields:<br>
            Field Name: <TMPL_VAR NAME=FIELD_NAME><br>
            Field Value: <TMPL_VAR NAME=FIELD_VALUE><br> 
            <TMPL_IF NAME=INVALID_phone>
            Phone: <TMPL_VAR NAME="phone"> you supplied is invalid.         
            <TMPL_IF NAME=MISSING_city> 
            City name is missing, please fix this.
            <!-- We can also access our normal field names 
            since $cgi object was passed as associate as well -->
            I think <TMPL_VAR NAME=country> is very big country. 
            <!-- Optional use of Data::FormValidator::Results msgs interface -->
            Message Fields:
            Field Name: <TMPL_VAR NAME=FIELD_NAME><br>
            Field Value: <TMPL_VAR NAME=FIELD_VALUE><br>
            <TMPL_IF NAME=MSGS_error_city>
            Our default error message set in the profiling code is: 
                    <TMPL_VAR NAME=MSGS_error_city> 

            #Example usage with DBI as the target
            use DBI;
            use HTML::Template;
            use HTML::Template::Associate;
            #initiliaze your $dbh ...
            my $results_foo = $dbh->selectall_hashref (
                    'SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz = ?',
            my $results_bar = $dbh->selectall_hashref (
                    'SELECT foo, bar FROM bar WHERE baz = ?',
                    [ 'foo_id', 'bar_id' ] ,
            my $results_moo = $dbh->selectrow_hashref ( 'SELECT x, y FROM z LIMIT 1' );
            my @results_array = $dbh->selectrow_array ( 'SELECT x FROM z' );
            my $associate = HTML::Template::Associate->new( {
                    target => 'DBI',
                    create => [ {
                                    results => $results_foo,
                                    name => 'my_loop',
                                    type => 'selectall_hashref'
                            }, {
                                    results => $results_bar,
                                    name => 'my_other_loop',
                                    type => 'selectall_hashref'
                            }, {
                                    results => $results_moo,
                                    type => 'selectrow_hashref',
                                    name => 'my_params'
                            }, {
                                    results => \@results_array,
                                    type => 'selectrow_array',
                                    name => 'my_array_params'
            } );
            my $template = HTML::Template->new (
                    filename => 'test.tmpl',
                    associate => [ $associate ],
                    die_on_bad_params => 0
            print $template->output();
            <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="my_loop" -->
                    Foo is:<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="foo" -->
            <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
            <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="my_other_loop" -->
                    Foo is:<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="foo" -->
                    Bar is:<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="bar" -->
            <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
            x is:<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="my_params.x" -->
            y is:<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="my_params.y" -->
            x via $dbh->selectrow_array is:<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="my_array_params.0 -->

            HTML::Template::Associate bridges gap between HTML::Template and 
            other modules that can be used in conjunction with it to do something 
            useful together, like for example Data::FormValidator that can verify 
            form inputs. 
            The idea is that every associate object can map required data structure 
            onto the one which corresponds to the one found in HTML::Template.
            The factory will then instantiate the target class and user can then make 
            it available to HTML::Template via associate argument during object 
            construction. The data structures then become automatically visible to 
            your templates.
            This module is abstract class it provides no mapping functionality
            whatsoever, but rather defines common interface to all associate
            objects underneath it and acts as a object production factory.
            You should however use this module whenever you wish to access a
            concrete associate class that provides functionality you desire.

            #where $results = Data::FormValidator::Results; for example
            my $associate = HTML::Template::Associate->new( {
                    target => 'FormValidator',
                    results => $results 
            } );

            Target is always last portion of your full class name, so if
            you had HTML::Template::Associate::XYZ the target would be XYZ

            Maybe. If you see any make sure you let me know.

            Alex Pavlovic

            This program is free software; you can redistribute
            it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
            The full text of the license can be found in the
            LICENSE file included with this module.

            HTML::Template::Associate::FormValidator HTML::Template::Associate::DBI perl(1).

            Usage     : my $associate = HTML::Template::Associate->new ( $target_arguments );
            Purpose   : Constructs new Associate object
            Returns   : Associate instance
            Argument  : Refer to the target
            Throws    : Error in case target does not exist
            Comments  : None

            Usage     : my $MyParam = $associate->param('MyParam');
            Purpose   : Retrieves param in a form suitable for access by HTML::Template
            Returns   : Single param or arrays suitable for loops 
            Argument  : Parameter name and optional value if setting it
            Throws    : Error in case subroutine was not implemented in concrete class
            Comments  : This subroutine should be redefined in concrete class

            Usage     : $self->init ( $params );
            Purpose   : Provides basic initiliazation for the target class
            Returns   : true or false depending on whether initilization was succesful
            Argument  : hash of parameters passed to factory during object construction
            Throws    : Error in case subroutine was not implemented in concrete class
            Comments  : This subroutine should be redefined in concrete class

            Purpose   : Used internally to die on errors