NAME Date::Ordinal - Conversion of dates to ordinal numbers and vice versa SYNOPSIS use Date::Ordinal; $ord = month2ord('January'); # $ord gets 1 $mon = ord2month('1'); # $mon gets 'January' $mon = ord2month(1); # $mon gets 'January' $mon = ord2month('01'); # $mon gets 'January' $arryref = all_month_ordinations @arry = all_month_names $arryref = all_month_names_ref $arryref = all_short_month_names_ref $arryref = all_day_ordinations $arryref = all_hour_ordinations $arryref = all_minute_ordinations $hashref = ordination_month_pair # {'01' => 'January', ... } @day = days =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------- package Date::Ordinal; #use strict; #----------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION This module is designed to aid in creation of CGI popup_menus and also interaction with SQL databases. CONVERSION ROUTINES There are two conversion routines: `ord2month()' and `month2ord()'. ord2month() This function takes a month number [1..12] and returns a string which contains the name of the month identified. If the number is not a valid number, then `undef' will be returned: $mon = ord2month('3'); `month2ord()' This function takes a month name and returns the integer corresponding to the month name, if such exists. The match is a regexp match, so both 'Mar' and 'March' will return 3. If the argument could not be identified as a month name, then `undef' will be returned: $ord = month2ord('March'); The case of the month name is not important. See the section the section on "KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS" below. QUERY ROUTINES There is one function (and a reference variant) which can be used to obtain a list of all month names: `all_month_names()' Returns a list of all month names; `all_month_names_ref()' Returns a reference to a list of all month names; `all_short_month_names_ref()' Returns a reference to a list of all month names in 3-letter form `ordination_month_pair()' returns a reference to a hash of the ordination of a month name and the month name `all_month_ordinations()' returns a reference a hash of the ordination of a month name and the month name PRETTY-PRINTING ROUTINES `prezero()' if the current number is single-diit, prefix it with a '0' KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS none SEE ALSO Locale::US Date::Manip AUTHOR Terrence Brannon <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2000 End70 Corporation This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.