Webqq::Qun v1.5 ======================== 腾讯æ供了基于web的群管ç†æ–¹å¼ï¼Œå¯ä»¥å‚è§é¡µé¢http://qun.qq.com/member.html å¯è¿›è¡Œç¾¤æˆå‘˜æ·»åŠ ã€æŸ¥è¯¢ã€ç›é€‰ã€è®¾ç½®ç®¡ç†å‘˜ã€å–消管ç†å‘˜ã€è®¾ç½®ç¾¤å片ç‰å¸¸ç”¨åŠŸèƒ½ 本模å—对该页é¢çš„功能进行了å°è£…,æä¾›é¢å‘对象的接å£ï¼Œæ–¹ä¾¿å®žçŽ°å¯¹ç¾¤æˆå‘˜ç®¡ç†çš„自动化æ“作 æ“作的基本æµç¨‹æ˜¯ï¼š => 1.登录(授æƒ) => 2.生æˆtoken => 3.获å–ä¸ªäººä¿¡æ¯ => 4.获å–好å‹ä¿¡æ¯ => 5.获å–ç¾¤åˆ—è¡¨ä¿¡æ¯ => 6.获å–群æˆå‘˜ä¿¡æ¯ => 7.对群æˆå‘˜è¿›è¡Œå„ç§æ“作 INSTALLATION: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install 推è使用CPAN安装 cpan -i Webqq::Qun DEPENDENCIES: JSON LWP::UserAgent LWP::Protocol::https Webqq::Encryption COPYRIGHT and LICENCE Copyright (C) 2014 by sjdy521 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.