NAME Pandoc::Elements - utility functions to create Pandoc documents SYNOPSIS The output of this script "" use Pandoc::Elements; use JSON; print encode_json Document { title => MetaInlines [ Str "Greeting" ] }, [ Header( 1, attributes { id => 'top' }, [ Str 'Hello' ] ), Para [ Str 'Hello, world!' ], ]; can be converted for instance to HTML with via ./ | pandoc -f json -t html5 --standalone an equivalent Pandoc Markdown document would be % Greeting # Hello {.top} Hello, world! DESCRIPTION Pandoc::Elements provides utility functions to create an abstract syntax trees (AST) of Pandoc <> documents. The resulting data structure can be processed by pandoc to be converted an many other document formats, such as HTML, LaTeX, ODT, and ePUB. A future versions of this module may upgrade the data structures to blessed objects, so better encode JSON as following: JSON->new->utf8->allow_blessed->convert_blessed->encode($document); FUNCTIONS BLOCK ELEMENTS BlockQuote, BulletList, CodeBlock, DefinitionList, Div, Header, HorizontalRule, Null, OrderedList, Para, Plain, RawBlock, Table INLINE ELEMENTS Cite, Code, Emph, Image, LineBreak, Link, Math, Note, Quoted, RawInline, SmallCaps, Space, Span, Str, Strikeout, Strong, Subscript, Superscript METADATA ELEMENTS MetaBlocks, MetaBool, MetaInlines, MetaList, MetaMap, MetaString Document Root element, consisting of metadata hash and document element array. attributes Maps a hash reference into an attributes list with id, classes, and ordered key-value pairs. AUTHOR Jakob Voß <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2014- Jakob Voß This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO See Text.Pandoc.Definition < ition.html> for the original definition of Pandoc document data structure in Haskell. See Pandoc::Filter for a module to implement pandoc filters <>.