RDF::aREF - Another RDF Encoding Form

        use RDF::aREF;

        my $rdf = {
          _id       => '',
          foaf_name => 'Alice Smith',
          foaf_age  => '42^xsd_integer',
          foaf_homepage => [
               _id => '',
               dct_modified => '2010-05-29^xsd_date',
          foaf_knows => {
            dct_description => 'a nice guy@en',

        decode_aref( $rdf,
            callback => sub {
                my ($subject, $predicate, $object, $language, $datatype) = @_;
        my @lastmod = aref_query( $rdf, 'foaf_homepage.dct_modified^' );

        my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->new;
        decode_aref( $rdf, callback => $model );
        print RDF::Trine::Serializer->new('Turtle')->serialize_model_to_string($model);

        my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->new;
        RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_url_into_model($url, $model);
        my $aref = encode_aref $model;

    aREF (another RDF Encoding Form <>) is an
    encoding of RDF graphs in form of arrays, hashes, and Unicode strings.
    This module provides methods for decoding from aREF data to RDF triples
    (RDF::aREF::Decoder), for encoding RDF data in aREF
    (RDF::aREF::Encoder), and for querying parts of an RDF graph

    The following functions are exported by default.

  decode_aref( $aref [, %options ] )
    Decodes an aREF document given as hash reference with
    RDF::aREF::Decoder. Equivalent to

  encode_aref( $rdf [, %options ] )
    Create a new RDF::aREF::Encoder and construct an aREF subject map with
    RDF triples given as RDF::Trine::Model or RDF::Trine::Model::Iterator.

  aref_query( $graph, [ $origin ], $query )
    Query parts of an aREF data structure. See RDF::aREF::Query for details.

  aref_query_map( $graph, [ $origin ], $query_map )
    Map parts of an aREF data structure to a flat key-value structure.

    *   aREF is specified at <>.

    *   See Catmandu::RDF for an application of this module.

    *   Usee RDF::Trine for more elaborated handling of RDF data in Perl.

    *   See RDF::YAML for a similar (outdated) RDF encoding in YAML.

    Copyright Jakob Voss, 2014-

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.