NAME File::Tree::Snapshot - Snapshot files in a git repository SYNOPSIS use File::Tree::Snapshot; my $tree = File::Tree::Snapshot->new( storage_path => '/path/to/tree', ); $tree->create unless $tree->exists; # modify files, see methods below $tree->commit; # or $tree->reset; DESCRIPTION This module manages snapshots of file system trees by wrapping the "git" command line interface. It currently only manages generating the snapshots. The directories are standard Git repositories and can be accessed in the usual ways. ATTRIBUTES storage_path The path to the tree that should hold the files that are snapshot. This attribute is required. allow_empty If this attribute is set to true, commits will be created even if no changes were registered. METHODS new my $tree = File::Tree::Snapshot->new(%attributes); Constructor. See "ATTRIBUTES" for possible parameters. file my $path = $tree->file(@relative_path_parts_to_file); Takes a set of path parts and returns the path to the file inside the storage. open my $fh = $tree->open($mode, $file, %options); Opens a file within the storage. $mode is passed straight to "open" in perlfunc. The $file is a relative path inside the storage. Possible options are: * "is_absolute" If set to true the $file will be assumed to already be an absolute path as returned by "file", instead of a path relative to the storage. * "mkpath" Create the path to the file if it doesn't already exist. create $tree->create; Create the directory (if it doesn't exist yet) and initialize it as a Git repository. exists my $does_exist = $tree->exists; Returns true if the storage is an initialized Git repository. commit Will commit the changes made to the tree to the Git repository. reset Rolls back the changes since the last snapshot. AUTHOR phaylon - Robert Sedlacek (cpan:PHAYLON) <> CONTRIBUTORS mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <> SPONSORS The development of this module was sponsored by <>. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2012 the File::Tree::Snapshot "AUTHOR", "CONTRIBUTORS" and "SPONSORS" as listed above. LICENSE This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself.